Meet the Llamas

Pajama Llama You WILL be impressed by my regal stature (and cute spotted neck).

As the pack leader at ShangriLlama, I am singularly focused on taking care of my "boys." When we're on the trail, I watch over them as intently as a military guard would. During the day, I make sure my llamas eat the right hay and get plenty of exercise. I also consider it my duty to stimulate the pack's minds. So at night, every llama wears Llama Pajamas and brainstorms ideas for unusual llama products. You can see the latest creations on the Llama Gifts page!

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Dalai Llama Look into my mystical blue eyes and you will be transfixed!
Dalai Llama

With my unusual TWO blue eyes, I see the need for an ocean of compassion for people who live hectic city lives and forage on fast food. I used to live in the mountains of Tibet, where people looked up to me for my dedication to solving complex world problems. Now I teach at ShangriLlama to enlighten others about the benefits of fresh air, daily exercise and natural food.

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Drama Llama Have you ever seen a llama from Argentina?

I'm quite a show-stopper on the trail! People are fascinated by my beautiful Appaloosa coat, my merle face and feet, and my perfect mane. Because I'm short, some people call me an alpaca, while others say I look like a Gironkey, which is a cross between a giraffe and a donkey. But I'm a pure Argentine llama and so dramatic-looking that my name is Drama Llama!

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Barack O'Llama Don't mistake my name for Obama Llama or Osama Llama. That's not funny! (Well, it kinda is…)
Barack O'Llama

People simply called me "Barry" when I was a community organizer in Wichita, Chicago, Honolulu and Kenya. But then I won the Nobel Pets Prize for my extraordinary efforts to strengthen cooperation among Camelidae. So I'm now known as "Barack." Today, I'm focused on fostering positive thinking among two-toed creatures. My campaign is called "Yes, We Camelids Can!" My recent efforts include working with the Dalai Llama to create Universal Hoofcare, and with Pajama Llama to promote mutual respect for all types of camelids.

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Como T. Llama My name in Spanish means "What's your name?" That's how wild and crazy I am!
Como T. Llama

I'm a bilingual spotted young llama with bundles of energy. You can find me in the meadow at dusk dancing to "The Macarena" and humming Spanish tunes. I speak some English and a little Peruvian that Grandma Llama taught me. If you want to make me laugh, ask me this: ¿Cómo te llamas?

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