Frequently Asked Questions About Llama Walks

WHAT KIND OF PERSON SIGNS UP TO WALK LLAMAS? Our customers are insatiably curious about animals, have an adventurous spirit, and are bursting with enthusiasm about the opportunity to learn about llamas.
WHEN DO YOU OFFER LLAMA WALKS? Llama Walks are available from 9:00 a.m. to noon from October through April. Then we switch to our summer hours to beat the heat, offering Twilight Llama Walks from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We host a Llama Walk anytime any five people sign up!

When are Llama Walks Available?











WHAT DOES EACH WALK INCLUDE? ShangriLlama offers you the unique experience of spending three hours "up close and personal" among a pack of llamas!


Your journey will begin by walking a llama within its pack while being treated to "Llama Llessons," which are interesting facts about Camelids. Expect your guides to try to stump you during the tricky true or false session!


Then at certain points along the trail, your guides will invite you to switch llamas with another guest, so you can experience the differences among these interesting and curious creatures. Your day will be full and unforgettable!

WHICH LLAMA WILL I GET TO WALK? When you arrive, you will choose the first llama that you would like to walk. Soon you will be invited to switch llamas with other guests until you have walked every llama in the pack! Llamas are quite different from one another, and you will experience those differences.
WILL I SEE OTHER ANIMALS DURING MY LLAMA WALK? In addition to our five llamas, you will likely meet ShangriLlama's sweet 101-pound Black Labrador, along with many other (hopefully) leashed dogs on the trail. You may also see horses, mini horses, an emu, a rooster, lots of chickens and a tortoise.

How Much Does a Llama Walk Cost?











HOW MUCH DOES A LLAMA WALK COST? The cost for this unique, three-hour, three-mile adventure is
$50 per person.

CAN YOU ACCOMMODATE LARGE GROUPS? ShangriLlama LOVES taking large groups on a walk and is happy to offer a discount off the per-person price. Just send an inquiry to

with the number of people in your group and the date you'd like to propose for a Llama Walk. We'll get back to you within 24 hours.


Please be sure that everyone in your group is no less than 12 years of age and loves animals.

Llamas Participate in Local Charity and Community Events











WILL YOU BRING THE LLAMAS TO ME? ShangriLlama can't bring its llamas to private homes, because there are so many plants that are poisonous to them. But we love to participate gratis in local charity, community and educational events! Our llamas stimulate great event attendance, and they delight participants!

IS THERE AN AGE LIMIT TO ATTEND A LLAMA WALK? All participants must be at least 12 years old. Why?

- You must be able to walk three miles unassisted.

- You might have to jog for short intervals, if a llama picks up his stride.

- You must use one hand to hold the lead, while keeping the other hand available to slow the llama, if necessary.

- You must make sure the llama doesn't eat anything off the trail. He could die simply by eating a poisonous leaf!

- Our insurance company doesn't allow us to make age exceptions.

Learn About Llamas











Children can learn 30 facts taught to adults during Llama Walks by reading our new book entitled The Llamas of ShangriLlama. In simplified, rhyming text, children will learn about llamas from head to toe and enjoy caricatures of the actual llamas that live at ShangriLlama.The Llamas of ShangriLlama is available at:

IS A LLAMA WALK STRENUOUS? The ShangriLlama Trail is wide, fenced, level and safe. Most of the time, you will enjoy a steady but leisurely pace. Occasionally, a llama will decide to step up his pace, so you will need to jog a little. Your guide will assist you if this occurs. As long as you are in reasonably good health, can walk three miles and can jog a short distance, you should be able to participate.
ARE THERE BATHROOMS ALONG THE TRAIL? Yes, the park that we pass through offers bathrooms (but no soap). ShangriLlama trail guides carry waterless soap and baby wipes.

Make Llama Walk Reservations Today











WHAT IF I HAVE TO CANCEL OR CHANGE MY RESERVATION? ShangriLlama is focused on sharing the love of llamas with others, and there are a great number of people who are interested in learning about these fascinating animals! In fact, more than 500 people visit us every year! So, we ask that you notify us within 48 hours if you must cancel your reservation. We will, of course, provide you a full refund or, at your request, gladly accommodate you on another Llama Walk as space is available.

WHAT IF IT RAINS? Contrary to the lyrics claiming that "it never rains in Southern California," it actually does--but not often. If heavy rains are forecast for the date of your reservation, we will reschedule you for the next available Llama Walk. Likewise, if heavy rains do occur, our trail will be closed for 48 hours afterward. We will contact you to reschedule walks that would have taken place during such days.

WHICH FORMS OF PAYMENT DO YOU ACCEPT? To officially reserve a date on the Llama Walk calendar, payment must be made via credit card or PayPal. Just call the ShangriLlama business office with your credit card information via (626) 221-5813, or request a PayPal invoice by e-mail.

HOW DO I RESERVE A LLAMA WALK? Just send an e-mail with your proposed date, time, and the number of people in your party via:

Within 24 hours, you will receive either a confirmation or a request to choose an alternative date. Once your date is established, please arrange for payment within 24 hours to secure your booking.


Thank You!


Happy Trails from Mama Llama!